Welcome! Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! The Lord Jesus said that He was returning for a Bride, His Church, perfect and without blemish. He is pursuing the Bride with a jealous and passionate heart, bringing freedom and joy, as He reveals Himself to her. He desires that the Bride behold Him in His glory and that she reign from this glory with Him. He is rising up a bold, fearless generation who will seek His face, who can ascend the hill of the Lord with pure, passionate burning hearts for Him. Mighty warriors in the Spirit are coming forth. This passionate love is being revealed in the glory presence and Holy Spirit is shouting from the heavens, "There is more!" Revival Fire Has Been Released! God is bringing heaven to earth, and establishing His kingdom and His government on the earth, and the "Zeal of the Lord will accomplish this!"
Who We Are
"The Garden is an Apostolic Training Center; a place that fosters spiritual growth. The center provides training to equip believers in Jesus Christ for the work of the ministry and to be victorious and free in all areas of their lives through the supernatural empowerment of the Holy Spirit."