We believe in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his Son, and Holy Spirit. God is love and infinite in mercy. We believe and receive the love the Father has for us! The Lord is good and His kingdom has come and heaven is opened through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, crucified dead and buried and raised from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God the Father and is returning again! We submit ourselves to His Lordship fully and we choose to love Him with all our hearts! His blood heals, forgives, delivers, redeems, prospers, empowers and resurrects those who call upon His name.
We honor Holy Spirit and surrender completely to His fullness: wisdom and revelation, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of The Lord. We decree and declare that we are the Bride of Jesus Christ who is making herself ready and preparing the way for The Lord. We do the works that Jesus did and greater works and whatever we ask of the Father it will be done for us! We preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand, we heal the sick, we cast out demons, we cleanse the lepers, we raise the dead, freely giving what has been received in Jesus name. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are equipping the saints for the work of the ministry and the body of Christ is maturing and growing up into the full stature of Jesus Christ.
Even so, come Lord Jesus! All glory and blessing and honor and power and dominion be unto our God forever, amen.